
Irctc tatkal booking timing
Irctc tatkal booking timing

For app based Tatkal booking, the passenger shall enter the identity proof type and number. Our mission is to automate each discipline of tatkal ticket kind so that, users havent got to write a single character throughout tatkal booking time. You will need to provide any one of the aforementioned to prove your identity. Some trains have a 10 and 30 day advance booking, after which there are Tatkal tickets, which cost a premium but open up a day before the date of journey. Credit Cards issued by banks with Photographs.

irctc tatkal booking timing

Nationalized Bank Pasphotographphotograpgh.The Tatkal charges will be levied in all periods(peak & non-peak) without any change.įor identity, passenger needs to provide his/her identity in only one of the following ways:.Duplicate Tatkal tickets shall not be issued except for one case, only when the payment is fully paid along with the Tatkal charges.Tatkal tickets will be issued for the actual distance of travel instead of end-to-end travel.The Tatkal booking opens at 11 AM for Non-AC(Sleeper) Classes one day in advance to the actual date of journey.Specifically, the Tatkal booking opens at 10 AM for AC Classes one day in advance to the actual date of journey.For instance, if your travel date is on 10th, then the Tatkal window will open on the app on 8th.

irctc tatkal booking timing

  • For app-based booking, Tatkal window opens 1 day in advance(excluding the day of journey).
  • Ticket booking starts at 10:00 AM a day prior to the journey.
  • Indian Railways have set the booking timings over the whole country is the following for: The Tatkal Scheme charges have been fixed by the Indian Government at the rate of 10% of basic fare for second class and 30% of basic fare for all other classes. The Indian Railway Authority has introduced this scheme in all forms of reserved classes on almost all trains in India. This scheme is used for booking journeys and travels at very short notice.

    irctc tatkal booking timing

    The Tatkal scheme is a ticketing booking scheme established by Indian Railways.

    Irctc tatkal booking timing